Publisher of New York Times and International Bestselling Author L. Ron Hubbard
The Complete Dianetics How-To Kit
The Complete Dianetics How-To Kit
The Complete Dianetics How-To Kit provides everything a person needs to begin the adventure of auditing and start their journey to Clear, including step-by-step instructions, Dianetics: The Modern Science of Mental Health paperback, How to Use Dianetics DVD, Dianetics Lectures and Demonstrations on CD, and the Dianetics Procedure Guide.
In addition to the How to Use Dianetics DVD, The Complete Dianetics How-to Kit includes a paperback copy of Dianetics and Dianetics Lectures and Demonstrations on compact disc. It further provides instructions for the sequence of study for the book, lectures and DVD. Moreover, and most important, here is the step-by-step guide to begin the adventure of auditing, right at home, on the journey to the glorious state of Clear. In summary, the Complete Dianetics How-to Kit provides everything a person needs to begin auditing anywhere.
The Complete Kit includes:
How to Use Dianetics DVD
Paperback Dianetics: The Modern Science of Mental Health